Forgive Someone

Has someone in a past relationship hurt you and caused you to be angry? The great thing is that you can forgive them, and you can be released from the negative energy that is holding you from living your best life.

Forgiveness isn’t easy and when someone has done something, especially when they really hurt you, it can be really hard. This hurt may have caused you to lose your hope, self-esteem or to feel insecure and damaged. There are small things that are easier to forgive but to really live your best life, you need to forgive the big things.

Why Forgive?

Forgiveness is important and is valuable to your life. It can boost your spiritual self and it can help you to be happier and less withdrawn. You have to understand that forgiveness isn’t just an idea, but it is a tool that can help you to get rid of bad energy that has come into your life.

Not only that, but forgiveness can also give you power and allow you to have a better life journey. Forgiveness isn’t just about a spiritual thing or about someone else doing the work, when someone hurts you like a partner that cheats on you or if you’ve been betrayed, the emotions around this normally start with anger.

Once you feel that anger, usually two things happen to you, first you lose the person that you thought you loved and then the relationship is never the same and that is another big loss. Even if you decide to work through things, you will still have to deal with the pain.

How to Forgive

Forgiveness takes time and patience, and you should never hurry through this. It is important that you take time to forgive someone. You can’t just say you forgive in order to make it happen but there are things that you need to do to really forgive.

  • Let Go of Revenge

One reason that people don’t want to let go of the anger and hurt that they have is because they want to get revenge. After feeling hurt and betrayed, it is normal to want to get back at them and show them how they hurt you. People want to do anything to stop feeling angry and hurt and it is a natural thing to hope that karma will go and hurt the person that hurt you.

We sometimes wonder why people say that you have to be close to someone that hurt us and even though you are the victim of this, the truth is that you are the one that betters from forgiveness when you let go of bitterness and resentment.

This is a valuable thing and if you keep letting unforgiveness hold you back, it is like being in a prison and you are the one that is suffering, not them. Revenge will never help you to get back at someone. Even if you get revenge, you will still feel angry and empty and you will even probably feel worse.

Society tells us that we should get revenge and pay someone back for hurting us, but the truth is revenge will never help you when it comes to feeling better.

  • Let Go of the Hurt

Being unforgiving will cause you to resent the person and will sew a seed of hatred towards that person. When you refuse to forgive someone, you will not be in control like you think but you are the one that is being controlled by hurt and pain. You can’t ever change what happened and you have to learn to face it and learn to not let the negativity beat you.

Holding on to hurt can cause you to have more stress and to have a hard time moving forward in your life. Even the goals that you set can be put on hold if you have unforgiveness.

  • Don’t Wait for Sorry

We always feel that someone should apologize to us when they hurt us. The truth is life isn’t fair and there isn’t always justice or closure. Sometimes a person will apologize for the pain that they have caused someone, but this isn’t a normal thing.

Most of the time the person doesn’t have good character and they don’t even feel that you deserve an apology. Or they are fearful of coming to you. You have to learn to accept that you might not ever get an apology when someone hurts you. When you feel that you need to “talk” to the person that hurt you, instead of waiting for them, write it down in your journal and have a pretend conversation so that you can say what you need to say.

  • Write It Down

Take time to journal what has hurt you and put a lot of detail in it. Tell the story and remember that this is your own journal, and you don’t have to show it to anyone. Write down how the person hurt you and how it has affected you over and over again. It might take a while to get all of this written down but as you do it you will feel freer.

If you have a friend that you can talk to, talk to them. Let them hear what you have to say and don’t talk to someone that is going to criticize you. Pick the right person that you will share your story with and if you don’t have a trusted friend, a professional can help you. Talk to a therapist and tell them about your past and things that have happened in your life.

Journaling can be effective, and it can help you to heal. Forgiveness takes time and if you need to keep journaling over and over until you feel better, do it.

  • Look At it Differently

Look at your life in a different way. Ask yourself these things:

    • Who was this person really?
    • What made them act the way that they did?
    • What kind of fear was at play?
    • Did they have to make a hard decision that caused them to hurt you?
    • Is the person insecure or weak?

You might not have the answers to these questions and if you want to talk to a psychic, you can do that, and they might be able to give you answers and help you to see things from a different point of view.

This can help you to stop feeling like a victim and to do things that can make you feel better without always feeling offended or hurt.

  • Change the Way You React

You get to decide what happens with your story now. Change the way that you are reacting and choose to forgive. You have the choice to have the power and to allow yourself to grow. When you forgive someone, you can release your anger and hurt to the person that caused it and you can move forward.

Forgiveness will take your life in a different direction and allow you to stop being a victim. As you deal with the way that others have treated you and you choose forgiveness, you can see that you can experience things in a new way, and you can have empathy for people that also go through hard times.

  • Make it a Ritual

There are rituals that you can try that can help you to feel better and to grow in your life. Here are some ideas!

    • Write down what you are feeling and then burn it.
    • Meditate.
    • Say positive mantras.
    • Light a candle.
    • Use guided meditation.
    • Plant seeds that mean new beginnings.

Forgiving someone allows you to release people out of your life and allows your vibes to increase. It will bring you healing and allow you to go from darkness to light. Forgiving other people allows you to be free and helps you to feel like a weight has been lifted off of your soul. Don’t choose to hold on to unforgiveness but leave it where you’re at. You don’t have to accept this as part of your journey.

Forgiveness can create you happiness and luck and it is worth it. Remember, this part of life will only make you stronger if you make good choices for your own wellbeing.

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