You can learn to be a better medium and you can practice your mediumship skills. This can help you to develop your psychic gift and help you to be able to communicate in the spiritual world at a different level. This will also help you to have more understanding of your emotions and will help you to receive the information that you need.
Practicing Mediumship Skills
You can’t enter into the spiritual world with fear or anger. You need to make sure that you only have positive emotions when you want to speak into the spiritual world. When you practice your skills, you need to make sure that your mind and your emotions are clear. You need to make sure that you aren’t upset about anything. If you are, don’t try this today but try another day.
You should never try to mix darkness in the spiritual world. Earth has light and darkness but there isn’t darkness in the spiritual world just no light.
Light is whatever you want to make it and evil is something that happens on the earth, but people don’t have power of evilness, they just don’t connect to the right things. If you can’t accept this, you need to keep working on yourself before you practice your mediumship skills.
Being Silent
One thing that you can do to practice your mediumship skills is to sit in silence. This gives you power. Here is what you can do:
- Find a group where you can join a mediumship circle.
- Learn to sit in silence until you master this.
- Develop your psychic gifts by controlling your thoughts.
- Let the spirit guides come to you.
- Study and improve your mind state.
- Open up the frequencies of your brain.
- Recognize REM sleep and dreams.
- Understand alpha and that it is a good place to go.
- Understand the frequencies of the earth.
If you don’t want to join a spiritual circle, you can learn to get into the Alpha State of Mind. Once you are relaxed and you learn to be receptive and alert, you can get answers into the spiritual world. You can be accurate and see that your brain waves are using EEG’s and that this opens up the alpha brain waves to get messages.
Being a Gatekeeper
You can become a gatekeeper and be the one that builds bridge between you and the spiritual world. As you are silent, you can speak to your guides. Do this until they talk to you. Ask the gatekeeping spirit to come to you and let light and love show.
Sit quietly and wait for them to respond to you or see if you are feeling any sensations in your body. Notice these things like a hug or a goosebump. You might even be able to see something when you close your eyes or hear or smell something.
If you notice any change in your sensations, you are able to reach into the gatekeeper guide. Practicing this will help you to be able to be in the persistence of your spirit guides and you can let love and light into your life in a different kind of way.
As you sit silently for a period of time, you can learn to be more awre of your thoughts and your feelings. This can help you to recognize spirits around you. Everyone has this ability.
After Death Communication
You start by asking your gatekeeper to come to you and once they are there, ask them to bring the spirit to you that wants to talk to you. Notice any changes in yourself or in the room. Notice the energy and welcome it.
People that have died might come to you and they will give you personal messages. The spirit guide will guide you and show you lessons. They will be there if there is an emergency, and you need to be released. Your ascended masters will be there to help you reach your enlightenment.
Improving Your Skills
Before you go to bed, you need to think about someone that you would like to talk to in the spiritual world. Imagine yourself with them and what you would say to them. Imagine white light filling the room. Let green light come into your heart chakra.
Ask the person to come to you in y our dreams. As you go to sleep, be open to their after-death communication. Go to sleep and let your dreaming begin. Always keep a dream journal close to your bed so you can write your dreams down when you wake up.